Thursday, October 7, 2021

Business communication case study examples

Business communication case study examples

business communication case study examples

Business Communication Case Study Report. This study explores the inconsistencies and dysfunctions displayed by the managers of the Youbeaut Enterprises, especially those of Susan Metcalf. Susan, the Managing Director of the firm, was tasked with monitoring and reporting on the progress of the upcoming office blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Case study 1: Developing technical knowledge-bases in a major oil company. Case study 2: A virtual college/university partnership used an “online information management” system as its principal means of digital communications, information management and knowledge-building Welcome to the MIC Case Studies page. Here you will find more than fifty different case studies, developed by our former participants from the Master of Advanced Studies in Intercultural Communication. The richness of this material is that it contains real-life experiences in intercultural communication problems in various settings, such as war, family, negotiations,

Internal Communication in Business: The Best Examples & Case Studies – LiveTiles

Horsewear is the horse riding apparels that are essential for horse riding and maintenance of the balance of the riders for a comfortable ride. While riding a horse, the rider shares an affinity that is in perfect harmony with the horse and sharing of trust. The understanding clarity for mastering the horse requires paramount skills and that are made easy with the horsewear. This is the reason that these apparels have immense popularity among its users and have a huge market demand with profitable returns that requires an even bigger stage business communication case study examples its sale.

Therefore, the present report will focus on the setting up of an ecommerce business by an existing business owner in the similar category and will discuss the potential steps involved in it. Electronic commerce or ecommerce is a form of business model that enables an organization to carry out its business activities through internet network. It facilitates the trading process of the consumer goods over the internet and utilizes the World Wide Web for a part of the life cycle of the transaction.

Offline business suffers from geographical limitations that can be easily overcome with ecommerce transactions Chiu et al. The business run by Amanda is directed to public without the involvement of any other retail store.

For boosting up her sales, she can adopt an online platform where she can reach out to millions of customers without any geographical boundaries and interferences.

In the present time, ecommerce is a versatile platform to organize a business, large or small, as it helps the entrepreneurs to reach millions of customers much easier and faster over the internet, business communication case study examples. Implementation of the system of ecommerce tends to increase the profits margin, as the substantial costs of start-up and operation are relatively low.

It makes the working time more flexible and can allow the entrepreneurs to invest more in other aspects of the business. The process of ecommerce is carried out by the utilization of a number of applications that includes online catalogs, emails, EDI, shopping carts, web services and file transfer protocol. Outreach and business-to-business activities are the core activities of this type of trading ventures using unsolicited advertisements and emails to the business prospects and consumers.

It also connects with the subscribers by sending out newsletters and the consumers are enticed directly using the online tools like targeted advertisements, social media marketing and digital coupons Fang et al. Security issues in the business can be easily addressed by authentication of business communication case study examples business transactions by the implementation of the security technologies like two-factor authentication and secure sockets layer.

This serves to enhance and ensure the effectiveness, privacy and security of the system of ecommerce and increase the customer satisfaction and security. Controlling the access to webpage resources and encryption of the communications can further help business communication case study examples fraud detection system that can assure the customers regarding their financial transactions and keep them worry free.

All these features of business advantages and security can add appeal to her business communication case study examples Huang and Benyoucef Presently, the business of Amanda is restricted to the business communication case study examples events and the verbal publicity by the previous customers.

The arena of advertisement is restricted to the horse riding organizations and pony clubs. eCommerce can add substantial advantages to her business and can leverage her sales profile. Although ecommerce is beneficial to the business and the entrepreneur, it is associated with issues and challenges. Since it is a new technology to be added to the organization, there is always a probability of staff resistance to the change.

They develop business communication case study examples notion that introduction of this novel approach to sales might make them lose their job. Therefore, they offer resistance to the introduction of this new concept in the organization Galliers and Leidner It is very much essential to have trained technical staff for the maintenance of the site for ecommerce.

Previously, Amanda used to supply the horsewear commodities directly to the public and her staff members were unskilled. However, now she will require a trained crew of staff members to support the information system required for carrying out the business. Another issue of ecommerce is online marketing, as this is crucial for including the customers who are already in the process of business communication case study examples products online.

Capturing the online markets is essential for the business to flourish AlGhamdi, Drew and Alkhalaf The biggest benefit of introducing ecommerce to an organization is improved customer satisfaction.

The customers are given the privilege to shop anytime according to their flexibility and convenience, business communication case study examples. Online shopping keeps the business ahead of its competitors as they can trade online, apart from offline.

The profit margin also increases as the retail store expenditures are curtailed Yu and Law Therefore, Amanda can continue her business of direct selling to the customers, but now on a much larger scale. The current trends in ecommerce suggest that real time data analytics provides immense resources in determining the performance of the business.

Traditional analytics was a time-consuming process and slowed down the process. Business communication case study examples the real time data analytics, the shopper and customer behavior is monitored and the problems are identified in the sales funnel Jiang, Cui and Faloutsos Video marketing is another example of a current trend in ecommerce where optimized product descriptions create greater appeal for the consumers and takes the business to the next level, business communication case study examples.

Mobile commerce is the latest version of ecommerce where live chat support is the immediate connection point Alvarez-Rodríguez, Labra-Gayo and de Pablos Consistent and reliable advice to the customers can make them loyal over the period. Personalized and data based experiences of shopping are the new norm for online shopping and customers appreciate the customized suggestions of the product. The ecommerce site remembers the preferences of the customers and offers lesser friction to the journey of the customers in the decision of purchasing.

It provides the business the right content at the correct time for increased customer satisfaction Snyder Starting up an ecommerce trading for horsewear by Amanda should begin with the making of a domain name and website.

ABC can efficiently provide this as they are the expert in providing solutions for information systems. The business should be registered with proper license and permits. Choosing the right software will give the initial boost to the business. The inventory needs to be stocked up with enough supply for future orders and the business must stay in compliance by taking into consideration the benefits versus the costs.

It should be updated over time. Amanda must take into consideration that not only the technical aspects but also the people associated with the business are also vital. Trained and skilled personnel should be appointed who are well versed with the system of ecommerce for managing the various responsibilities of the horsewear business, with a collection of relevant information.

From the above information, business communication case study examples, it can be summed up by saying that ecommerce has a huge impact on the society and economy. Business to business is the rapidly growing ecommerce type of business leading to lower cost and improving the efficiency of the business economically. Apart from boosting the sales, ecommerce also promotes employment growth. Horsewear apparels like dressage overalls, hats and silk riding tops are the primary items that Amanda wishes to sell via ecommerce and implementing the above recommendations in her business can help her set up the business.

This report will guide her about the requirements of the ecommerce business and will give her an impression of the issues and benefits associated with the business. Therefore, by consulting ABC, Amanda can successfully set up her own ecommerce business for horsewear.

AlGhamdi, R. and Alkhalaf, business communication case study examples, S. Government initiatives: The missing key for e-commerce growth in KSA. arXiv preprint arXiv Alvarez-Rodríguez, J. and de Pablos, P. New trends on e-Procurement applying semantic technologies: Current status and future challenges. Computers in Industry, 65 5pp. Bamborough, D. and Paasche, T. Electronic commerce transactions within a marketing system that may contain a membership buying opportunity.

Patent 8, Chiu, C. and Huang, H. Information Systems Journal, 24 1 business communication case study examples, pp. Fang, Y. and Lim, K. Trust, Satisfaction, and Online Repurchase Intention: The Moderating Role of Perceived Effectiveness of E-Commerce Institutional Mechanisms.

Mis Quarterly, 38 2pp. Galliers, R. and Leidner, D. Strategic information management: challenges and strategies in managing information systems, business communication case study examples. Huang, Z. and Benyoucef, M. From e-commerce to social commerce: A close look at design features, business communication case study examples. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 12 4pp. Jiang, M. and Faloutsos, C, business communication case study examples.

Suspicious behavior detection: Current trends and future directions. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 31 1pp. Snyder, R. E-Commerce and Supply Business communication case study examples Management. ASBBS Proceedings, 20 1p. Yu, A. and Law, R. The application of e-commerce to enhance the competitive advantages of hotels in Hong Kong. In Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism Proceedings of the International Conference in Barcelona, Spain, p.

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Case Study on Barriers of Communication

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Case Study: Business Communication

business communication case study examples

Business Communication Case Study Report. This study explores the inconsistencies and dysfunctions displayed by the managers of the Youbeaut Enterprises, especially those of Susan Metcalf. Susan, the Managing Director of the firm, was tasked with monitoring and reporting on the progress of the upcoming office blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Case study 1: Developing technical knowledge-bases in a major oil company. Case study 2: A virtual college/university partnership used an “online information management” system as its principal means of digital communications, information management and knowledge-building Welcome to the MIC Case Studies page. Here you will find more than fifty different case studies, developed by our former participants from the Master of Advanced Studies in Intercultural Communication. The richness of this material is that it contains real-life experiences in intercultural communication problems in various settings, such as war, family, negotiations,

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