Thursday, October 7, 2021

Doctor patient communication literature review

Doctor patient communication literature review

doctor patient communication literature review

Effective doctor-patient communication is a central clinical function in building a therapeutic doctor-patient relationship, which is the heart and art of medicine. We review the literature on Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins Abstract. Communication can be seen as the main ingredient in medical care. In reviewing doctor-patient communication, the following topics are addressed: (1) different purposes of medical communication; (2) analysis of doctor-patient communication; (3) specific communicative behaviors; (4) the influence of communicative behaviors on patient outcomes; and (5) concluding by: The literature demonstrates that physicians can learn patient-centered communication skills. 23 –,25, 63, 90 –,92 A review by Levinson, Lesser, and Epstein 25 cited several studies that showed a strong association between physician training in, and later use of, patient-centered communication skills in medical encounters. High-intensity interventions (ie, multimethod, longer instructional time) had a Cited by:

Doctor-Patient Communication: A Review

Received Date: June 21, doctor patient communication literature review, ; Accepted Date: July 13, ; Published Date: July 19, Citation: Chandra S, Mohammadnezhad M, Ward P Trust and Communication in a Doctor-Patient Relationship: A Literature Review.

J Healthc Commun DOI: Background: The changing pattern in the doctor-patient relationship is becoming more of a challenge for health care providers, doctor patient communication literature review. For a healthy and effective doctor-patient relation, trust and communication is considered to play a vital role. Aim: This literature review was conducted with the aim to gather the knowledge and concepts pertaining to communication and trust in a doctor-patient relationship and how they influence patient satisfaction and perceived quality of health care services.

Method: Various electronic databases including PubMed, Hinari, Cochrane, Scopus and Google Scholar were used to search for the articles. Related article titles were selected which was narrowed down to abstract of interested articles and the final 17 selected full articles were reviewed.

Results: All the articles reviewed showed that both trust and communication were positively related to patient satisfaction and perceived quality of health care services in-terms of better compliance with medication and following medical advice; both in developed and developing country. Though, the determinants of trust differed slightly between rural and urban setting. Patient -centered communication with two-way conversation using open-ended questions leads to better communication, doctor patient communication literature review.

Collaborative decision-making leads to better management and better chances of compliance with treatment. Conclusion: The current evidence suggests that patient-centered approach with effective communications skills and trust leads to better management and improved patient satisfaction. This is associated to better adherence to the treatmentbetter health outcomes and better perceived quality of healthcare services.

Trust; Communication; Patient satisfaction; Doctor-Patient relationship. Over the years, changing patterns in the society, advances in the medical care and easy access to medical information has made the doctor-patient relationship challenging [ 1 - 3 ]. Previously, the doctors were considered as the receptacle of all medical knowledge and this was used for patient management. The medical knowledge has become a commodity between the doctor and the patient and treatment is customized to individual patients [ 1 ].

This is a crucial note to keep in mind when it comes to managing patients. To provide the patient with high quality care, there needs to be a healthy doctor- patient relationship. Communication and trust are the key elements among the other factors in building a healthy relationship [ 56 ]. Effective communication has always been one of the ingredients of success in all fields of work. Either it is field of economy or medicinehaving good communication skills is considered a ladder to success.

In health care settings, trust and communication are labeled a tool for better patient care and patient satisfaction. There is a necessity to have some degree of trust to build a climate in which honest communication can flourish. Effective and efficient communication is a predictor of medical practice and delivery of health care services [ 17 ].

The quality of interaction with the patients is positively related to trust and patient satisfaction. All of these are either direct or indirect measures of the quality of health care services [ 8 - 12 ].

In Pacific Island countries and developing country doctor patient communication literature review Fiji, the quality of health care services has been questioned and considered generally low in quality by the public.

These issues have been raised in the media, including social media whereby the public themselves are commenting on the healthcare quality.

The South Pacific Situation Summary from the World Health Organization says doctor patient communication literature review some of the Pacific Island countries' development efforts may bypass poor or most disadvantaged regions, and services are of low quality, especially for the poor [ 14 ]. Hence, considering this rapid social changes and advances in medical technology in the Pacific Island countries like Fiji as well, the changing doctor-patient relationship needs to be studied for improvements in health care services quality [ 15 - 17 ].

Also, for effective and efficient quality of health services, it is important for Doctor patient communication literature review countries to have an evidence-based policies or interventions in place [ 18 ].

Even though, there has been on-going studies conducted on a doctor-patient relationship, trust and patient satisfaction in other countries, there is limited studies done on patient satisfaction but none on trust in Fiji [ 1920 ], doctor patient communication literature review.

Therefore, as one of the means to provide public with improved and optimal healthcare services, it is important that the healthcare providers understand and realize the importance of trust and communication in their relationship with the patients.

The purpose of this literature review is to gather the current knowledge on trust and communication in a doctor-patient relationship and highlight its importance towards service delivery with satisfied patients and quality doctor patient communication literature review healthcare. The findings of this review will be of help to the health care providers, including ones in Fiji to realize the importance of building trust and communication, doctor patient communication literature review.

They can improve on the ways to build trust and improve their communication with patients, leading to better relationships and patient management. Also, as there are no current studies done in Fiji on patient trust and communication, doctor patient communication literature review, this literature review attempts to prompt doctor patient communication literature review to conduct research on this topic.

Search for literature on the topic was done using electronic database PubMed, Hinari, Cochrane, Scopus and Google Scholar. These databases were chosen based on the usage of previous similar studies. All types of study design such as qualitative and quantitative studies were included in the search. The search was doctor patient communication literature review to studies from year to till-date.

A search was done using AND and OR to combine the results were found based on each keyword. A total of article titles related to the topic came up in the search. From these titles list, studies which were more closely related to the purpose of the review were shortlisted excluding some duplicate study noted.

From this list, second check for duplicates was done and after removal, there were 83 articles. Abstract of these 83 articles was screened. From this, excluding abstract of those articles that were not of interest, not in English and some that could not be accessed, 25 full text articles were screened. Some article titles were sent to my course supervisor to get the full article.

From this list, the final 17 articles were selected and reviewed. These articles were grouped into 3 categories for discussion; those studying trust and communication, patient satisfaction and healthcare quality. Trust is one of the essential components and fundamental part of doctor-patient relationship [ 56 ].

In general, to trust means to believe that someone is honest, nice or good, and will not harm you. In the medical field for some patients, it can be their belief or expectation for the physician to behave in a certain way [ 21 ]. Patients might expect their health care provider to be competent, compassionate, honest, doctor patient communication literature review, empathic, dependable and interested in their good will and expect a good outcome of their visit [ 2122 ].

Trust in a doctor-patient relationship is something that involves both confidence and reliance. The patients are put in a vulnerable situation where they believe that the care-providers will care for their interest [ 23 ]. For their own good, patients need to trust the doctors with their private information and body which is essential for their proper management [ 22 - 24 ]. Trust in the medical field can be considered as either institutional trust or interpersonal trust.

For healthcare system, interpersonal trust is built, sustained or damaged through face to face encounters with health care providers. As for the institutional trust it is placed on the medical system or the institution. The doctor-patient interaction is influenced by both personality and social systems and trust occurs in a framework of interaction which is influenced by both personality and social systems [ 25 ], doctor patient communication literature review.

Despite its importance, trust is a complex and complicated subject that has been looked at with different perspective [ 21 ]. Pearson et al. Though, the correlation of trust was low with the longitudinal continuity of the patient-physician relationship, preventive counseling, and the patient's financial access to care; r of 0.

Depending on sociocultural context, different factor can give rise to trust as well. Gopicharan et al. conducted cross-sectional household survey using a structured questionnaire in rural and urban areas of Tamil, India to understand the dimension and determinants of trust in their physician. Participants were doctor patient communication literature review using multistage sampling; men and women. They conducted a cross-sectional design using both qualitative and quantitative methods to study the determinants of the core dimensions of doctor-patient relationship.

Fruitful trust is something that cannot just happen, rather it must be developed and maintained. Communication is one of the dimensions of physician behavior on which patients base their trust [ 21 ]. Communication and interpersonal skills are identified by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education as one of six areas in which doctors-in-training need to demonstrate competence in [ 29 ].

Improving the communication skills helps the doctors to build an effective relationship between doctors and patients. Doctor patient communication literature review reviewed literature on communication in the field of health care, specifically between the doctor and his or her patient.

He stated that it is very important for healthcare professionals to recognize doctor patient communication literature review communication interventions need to be individualized and that discrepancy can arise as the two individuals doctor and the patient might decode the same information differently [ 30 ]. Hence, from a clinical perspective, effective and efficient communication is a tool that helps doctors in providing quality care to their patients [ 31 ].

Physicians with good communication and interpersonal skills tend to gather a proper history from the patient, which guides the appropriate examinations and then management [ 7 ]. It facilitates exchange of information and includes patients in decision making. In the first encounter of doctors with the patients, use of questions by the doctor can aid in the free flow of information from the patient to the doctor.

Swasey in her thesis mentions that in this first interaction, doctors can use open-ended question to guide the conversation in-order to get appropriate information needed for proper diagnosis and management. Studies have shown that trust is closely related and somewhat influenced by the health care providers' communication skills [ 6222533 ]. There has been a shift from the problem focused communication to solution focused communication which is evident to the lay people as well [ 34 ].

A study was conducted by Butalid et al. to examine whether analogue patients patients and healthy subjects who rate videotaped medical consultations while putting themselves in the shoes of the video-patient perceived the change in the quality of doctor-patient communication over 20 years. The mixed methodology type was used for the analogue patients with hypertension to assess the videotaped consultation between 2 periods; in s and in s.

The study found that participants recognize listening, doctor patient communication literature review, giving support and showing respect were consistent themes in both the time periods. The authors concluded that aspects of the medical interaction that patients value are evidence-based medicine and attention to the process of shared decision making.

Studies have demonstrated patient discontent even when many doctors considered the communication adequate or even excellent [ 36 ]. Tongue et al. Ha et al. Currently, there is a greater expectation of collaborative decision making. Physicians and patients participate as partners doctor patient communication literature review achieve the agreed upon goals and the attainment of quality of life [ 7 ]. Studies have shown that patient satisfaction is positively correlated with communication skills [ 37 ].

Clever et al. This included patients willing to participate, spoke English, first admission within the study period and those who completed doctor patient communication literature review 1-month follow-up questionnaire.

Small changes in doctor communication behaviors can make some significant changes in patient satisfaction [ 36 ].

Literature Reviews: Common Errors Made When Conducting a Literature Review

, time: 12:23

doctor patient communication literature review

The literature demonstrates that physicians can learn patient-centered communication skills. 23 –,25, 63, 90 –,92 A review by Levinson, Lesser, and Epstein 25 cited several studies that showed a strong association between physician training in, and later use of, patient-centered communication skills in medical encounters. High-intensity interventions (ie, multimethod, longer instructional time) had a Cited by: Review Article iMedPub Journals Journal of Healthcare Communications ISSN Vol.3 No DOI: / Trust and Communication in a Doctor- Swastika Chandra1*, Masoud Mohammadnezhad2 and Patient Relationship: A Literature Review Paul Ward3 1 Department of Public Health, Fiji National University, Fiji Islands Abstract 2 Department of Effective doctor-patient communication is a central clinical function in building a therapeutic doctor-patient relationship, which is the heart and art of medicine. We review the literature on Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins

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