Thursday, October 7, 2021

Essay on water pollution in india

Essay on water pollution in india

essay on water pollution in india

India is among leading countries in relation to water pollution. Water pollution is a problem that has many effects on the environment. Additionally, water is a primary need for all humanity. A factor that has been threatening India’s water quality is poor sewerage and pollution by industries. India has the second largest population globally  · Water pollution is any chemical, biological or physical change in the quality of water which has a harmful effect on any living thing that drinks, uses, or lives in it. If and when individuals drink polluted water it can cause serious effects. Water pollution can also make water unsuited for the desired use. The main cause of water pollution is made by humans. Essay on Water Pollution: Causes and Effects – Essay 5 ( Words) India is a country enriched by majestic Ocean bodies, gigantic rivers, mammoth waterfalls and beautiful lakes. Unfortunately, these beautiful water bodies are getting polluted due to heavy industrialization and urbanization in blogger.comted Reading Time: 11 mins

Essay on Water Pollution in India | Types | Pollution | Environment

In India, river pollution has crossed the mark of crisis. Three important river systems of the north like Indus, Ganga and Brahmaputra are suffering from pollution. Fresh water is only 2. The remaining Out essay on water pollution in india the total fresh water 2. Thus, the water deposit in lakes is more than the water deposit in rivers. But even though water of rivers is lesser than that of lakes, river water is more important because it is distributed over a larger part.

River water continues flowing and does not remain in any river for more than two weeks whereas, water of lakes remains there for years. River water is used to a maximum extent because of its common reach to the biotic community. Maximum economic activities concentrate around rivers. At present, 50 per cent population of the world resides in river basins, where they use river water for different activities including agriculture and industry.

In India, dense population is settled near the banks of rivers Ganga, Yamuna, Damodar, Hooghly, Cauvery, Godavari and Chambal. This has polluted these rivers to a large extent. In Ruhar river basin, at the junction of river Rhine and river Ruhar, death is caused by bathing and swimming there.

Every hour 1, ton polluted salts are disposed off in river Rhine. Water of river Rhine sustains about 20 million persons who are suffering health hazards continuously due to pollution of water. The main river Seine of France on whose banks the city of Paris is located is being polluted incessantly. Heaps of dead fish and sewage foam are spreading near its banks.

According to one study, in the total length from Paris on river Seine to La Harre Port located in the English Channelabout one million cubic metre polluted sewage water is disposed. Similarly in Po river of Italy, about million ton wastes are disposed off every year.

Rivers of Scandinavian region are being polluted by acid rain caused due to winds coming from the side of Great Britain and Germany, which carry sulphuric acid in them.

Maximum populated areas of the world are settled in all the three basins. These river systems originating from snow peaks of Himalayas are the basis of prosperity of India in different forms. In southern India, river Godavari, Cauvery, Krishna and Mahanadi are highly polluted. Rivers of India are no more rivers but have been converted into filthy drains.

The Comptroller and Auditor General GAG of India has entrusted the responsibility of examination of quality of water to the Environ­mental Research Laboratory ERLLucknow. ERL has divided tested water in five categories, i.

Description of these categories is given below:. In India, river pollution has extended in every context. Lakhs of tourists from foreign and local places come here. Due to increasing terrorist activities in Kashmir, the number of tourists has increased in Kulu valley. The water of river Beas is used for drinking purposes in Manali and Kulu but the attention of planners is not drawn towards the hotel and restaurant business, developing at a very fast rate where there is no proper arrangement for disposal of sewerage and waste.

Plastic and other non-perishable materials are continuously disposed off in this river. Water of river Ganga, essay on water pollution in india, which is considered as nectar in India, has become poisonous today.

What to talk of drinking, it cannot even be used for bathing. A dangerous virus named Bacteriophase is found in the Ganga. The quantity of mud is increasing continuously. The cities of Haridwar, Bijnaur, Farukhabad, Kanpur, Allahabad, Banaras, Ghazipur, Ballia, Chhapra, Patna, Barauni and Munger are settled on the banks of river Ganga, dispose of sewage and industrial waste in the Ganga, spreading dangerous pollution. It can be used only for fisheries and forest creatures. Our relation with river Ganga is also from the historical point of view and not just from the religious angle.

Our civilization and devel­opment is connected with this river basin. In the beginning, the water of river Ganga was very pure, soft and healthy. Our ancestors had framed rules for preserving the purity of its water but revolu­tionary economic development and increasing population during the 20th century have broken these rules. Throwing dirty water, essay on water pollution in india, throwing flowers after worship, washing filthy clothes, throwing of hair, rowdyism, doing vulgar activities, throwing of dirty clothes etc.

were prohibited, essay on water pollution in india. We could not think of pollution of river Ganga 1, years back. Today, as a result of it, water of river Ganga is going beyond the reach of the biotic community and we have played an important role in this.

Mainstream of river Ganga flows through four states, i. In the Ganga, mainly silt, biotic and chemical pollutants are found. Silt is received from soil through soil essay on water pollution in india. About crore ton silt is deposited in the Ganga every year.

Soil erosion can be controlled by dense tree plantation in watershed areas. This can help get rid of the silt problem. Organic and chemical pollutants come from cities situated near the banks of river Ganga. The waste of 29 big cities having population of more than one lakh and 23 medium cities having population ranging between 50, to one lakh situated on the banks of river, is mixing in it. In most of these cities, there is no sewerage system. Chemical pollutants from waste coming out of the industrial units situated on banks of the river also mix with the water polluting it.

The Ganga flows through densely populated areas of India. Among the big industries located on the banks of Ganga River, 86 are in Uttar Pradesh, three are in Bihar and 43 are in West Bengal.

In Uttar Pradesh, 59 out of the 86 industries are leather industries, which dispose off poisonous chemicals in heavy quantities. Poisonous indus­trial wastes including acid, alkaline, sulphate, nitrate etc. also directly mix in the Ganga without any treatment.

Maximum domestic waste mixes in Ganga in West Bengal. Thus, on an average, among the pollutants mixing in Ganga, 80 per cent is domestic waste and 20 per cent is industrial waste. Domestic filth of the metropolitan city of Kolkata and the waste of nearby textile industries, paper industries, tanneries etc. is disposed off in the Bhagirathi-Hooghly river. Ganga Action Plan was started in for control of water pollution in the Essay on water pollution in india. The main function of this plan was to make river Ganga free from disposal of waste of the cities settled on the banks of the river.

The scheme is to make Ganga pollution free from Rishikesh to Kolkata. The Central Pollution Control Board had prepared a five year project for the action plan in The Central Ganga Authority was formed for its implementation in and Ganga Action Plan was then launched to make the Ganga pollution free.

The first phase of the Ganga Action Plan was inaugurated by late Rajiv Gandhi at the Rajendra Prasad Ghat of Banaras. A National Protection Agency was constituted for its implementation.

During the first phase of Ganga Action Plan, schemes involving an expenditure of crores were undertaken in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal. Up to the yearschemes had been completed. Convert drains carrying filthy water from different cities settled on the banks of river Ganga and divert sewage water to sewerage treatment plants.

After treatment in refining plants, use water in fish farms and for irrigation and generate power essay on water pollution in india the remaining waste after treatment. Construction of community latrines in cities located on the banks of river Ganga so that most of the sewage can be controlled at essay on water pollution in india source itself.

Construction of electrified cremation grounds and suitable disposal areas for urban wastes. Create awareness regarding pollution of river Ganga and make people conscious about its purification. Special stations have been created at 27 places starting from Rishikesh in Uttaranchal to Utuberia in West Bengal for testing the quality of water of the river Ganga during the first phase of Ganga Action Plan.

These stations are being operated by experts from Bharat Heavy Electricals BHEL Haridwar, National Environment Engineering Research Institute NEERI Nagpur, Patna University Research Institute etc.

Great achievements were expected from Ganga Action Plan in the first phase from tobut in spite of all such great works on a large scale executed during such a long period, river Ganga has not been purified. In the name of making Ganga pollution free, hundreds of crores of rupees were wasted in the polluted water of the river, also starting economic pollution. Ecologists also think that the condition of the ecology has deteriorated during essay on water pollution in india operation of Ganga Action Plan.

Since the first phase of the Ganga Action Plan could not prove effective, the Government of India started the second phase of the Action Plan in the year The role of Uttar Pradesh Water Corporation, essay on water pollution in india, Central Pollution Board and Central Public Works Department and PWD still remain important in carrying out the plan. The Yamuna River too has changed from its original form. The latest research was conducted by Environment Research Laboratory- ERL Lucknow, as reported by Comptroller and Auditor General CAG of India.

At present, Yamuna water is suitable only for fish culture and for consumption by animals. Yamuna is the main linking river of Ganga. It originates from the western slope of Bandar Poonchh of Yamunotri glacier. After starting from Yamunotri, it travels kms and joins river Ganga near Allahabad.

During this flow route, essay on water pollution in india, Yamuna River is polluted by many polluting sources. Yamuna carries flow of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in large quantity from farm lands of Haryana. Essay on water pollution in india only this sewage water of Yamuna Nagar, Panipat, Sonepat, Karnal, Delhi, Gurgaon, Faridabad, Mathura, Agra and Itawa etc. cities also mixes in Yamuna. Delhi Municipal Corporation contributes the most in polluting Yamuna River.

Wastes and excreta water in large quantity from Okhla Industrial Estate is disposed off in Yamuna River.

10 Lines on Water Pollution -- 10 Easy Lines on Water Pollution -- Essay Writing

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Essay on Water Pollution: 8 Selected Essays on Water Pollution

essay on water pollution in india

India is among leading countries in relation to water pollution. Water pollution is a problem that has many effects on the environment. Additionally, water is a primary need for all humanity. A factor that has been threatening India’s water quality is poor sewerage and pollution by industries. India has the second largest population globally Essay on Water Pollution: Causes and Effects – Essay 5 ( Words) India is a country enriched by majestic Ocean bodies, gigantic rivers, mammoth waterfalls and beautiful lakes. Unfortunately, these beautiful water bodies are getting polluted due to heavy industrialization and urbanization in blogger.comted Reading Time: 11 mins In India, nearly, 44 million people have been affected by poor quality of water caused by water pollution. Some poisons, pathogens pollute the water even in low concentration. Natural water pollution is due to silt, clay, animal wastes, minerals etc. Provision of clean water is the bare necessity of every human blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins

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