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A good reason is fascination, but there are many others. Not the least of these is the enrichment of life, which is not at all a simple matter of pleasant decor or popular imagery. Of course, it remains an exciting fact that art can often be enjoyed even as it asks you to question your expectations, whether these be philosophical, ideological, aesthetic, sociological, political, moral, research paper mla works cited page s9, or whatever.
In fact, the visual arts have a most complicated history, and their importance as a legitimate mode of intellectual discourse is fundamental to the kind of society in which we live. Having some understanding of the visual arts as such is essential to a fully-rounded liberal education. Any brief definition of art would oversimplify the matter, but we can say that all the definitions offered over the centuries include some notion of human agency, whether through manual skills as in the art of sailing or painting or photographyintellectual manipulation as in the art of politicsor public or personal expression as in the art of conversation.
Recall that the word is etymologically related to artificial — i. Since this embraces many types of production that are not conventionally deemed to be art, perhaps a better term for them would be visual culture. This would explain why certain preindustrial cultures produce objects which Eurocentric interests characterize as art, even though the producing culture has research paper mla works cited page s9 linguistic term to differentiate these objects from utilitarian artifacts. Having said that, we are still left with a class of objects, ideas and activities that are held to be separate or special in some way.
Even those things which become art even though they are not altered in any material way — e. Because of this complexity, writers have developed a variety of ways to characterize the art impulse. lists these as follows in no particular order :.
Introductory books and study guides on art history usually give a variation of the following as the basic functions of art:. As complex as works of art typically are, there are really only three general categories of statements one can make about them.
A statement addresses form, content or context or their various interrelations. However, within each of these categories is a variety of subcategories, giving visual culture its variety and complexity.
Form means the constituent elements of a work of art independent of their meaning e. Formal elements include primary features which are not a matter of semantic significance i. The secondary features are the relations of the primary features with one another: these include balance, composition, contrast, dominance, harmony, movement, proportion, proximity, research paper mla works cited page s9, rhythm, similarity, unity, and variety.
There is less consensus here. A traditional way of organizing content was simply to place it in basic categories of iconography signs, symbols, conventions, etc. called genres, listed here in what was once considered a descending order of importance:.
history: important incidents like famous battles, political triumphs, social movements, etc. mythology: stories of gods, goddesses, nymphs and heroes, usually but not exclusively Greek or Roman in origin. portraiture: likenesses of real people, usually but not exclusively of at least moderate social standing. still-life: objects, furniture, settings, utensils, flowers, foods, etc.
This hierarchy of categories was highly elitist, however, and artists who research paper mla works cited page s9 the so-called lesser genres like flower-painting were often given short shrift. Moreover, each of the genres actually uses content in subtle ways which the category alone does not reveal, research paper mla works cited page s9. For example, a history painting might be considerably less symbolic — and therefore less intellectually stimulating — — than a still-life, but history painting was automatically considered more serious and important.
With fairly few exceptions, similar prejudices are still common in contemporary culture. A better way to organize the category of content is to divide it, like form, into three theoretically value-free levels of complexity.
Although they are arranged numerically here, there is no intrinsic hierarchy:. When you realize that the woman is actually Margaret Thatcher, you have moved from primary to secondary content. Anyone can recognize a woman in a chair, but a certain knowledge is required to recognize that the woman is Thatcher.
A similar move from primary to secondary is involved when we recognize that a blindfolded woman with a set of scales is Justice, or that an athlete with a club and a lion skin is Hercules. There is a variety of ways to push what you see into what you understand. One is to explore figurative meanings like those afforded by conventional signs and symbols:. allegories: stories in which people, things, and events represent abstract ideas, research paper mla works cited page s9, values and messages, as when a blindfolded woman chases a thug away from a mugging victim in an allegory of Justice Pursuing Crime.
attributes: conventional devices identifying the person holding it, as the bow and arrow of a small child indicate he is Cupid. personifications: individuals representing abstract ideas or values, as in the Statue research paper mla works cited page s9 Liberty. These are all conventional, which means that everyone can understand the sign if they have access to the code. Less fixed in meaning are the basic tropes specific ways of turning away from literal meaning to figurative meaning :.
metonymy: signifying a literally absent thing via some attribute or other item typically associated with it, as in the crowns of Europe meaning the royalty who wear such crowns. These are a matter of the way form affects meaning, but the former is more standardized than the latter.
A paralinguistic shift involves changing the meaning of a single word by altering the way it is delivered: e. Performative effects are structurally similar but more evocative: e. The tertiary content represents the convergence and mutual modification of form, content, and context see below. For example, the primary content of a portrait of a king might simply be a richly dressed individual sitting on a throne, wearing a robe, lifting an arm, etc.
If the image were of a particular political figure, like Napoleon, it would be a megalographic portrait. Tertiary content involves combining these observations with context — i. If we leave our interpretation there, assuming we have said all that needs research paper mla works cited page s9 be said, we have evoked closure. In post-modernist discourse, the finality suggested by such closure is usually considered socially unhealthy, philosophically unreal, and even politically unwise.
It goes without saying that one should always keep an open mind. As in the case of content, there are three levels of complexity, arranged numerically here, but without an intrinsic hierarchy.
Conventional wisdom would have it that primary context is that pertaining to the artist, although there are equally good reasons to assert the primacy of historical and material conditions of production, as in Marxism.
However, similar conditions are known to produce very different artists e. Primary context is thus that which pertains to the artist: attitudes, beliefs, interests, and values; education and training; and biography including psychology.
We have no way of knowing which of these is the correct answer, although the common practice has been to treat artists as if they were inspired beings, with no obligation to carry the burden of proof. Secondary context is that which addresses the milieu in which the work was produced: the apparent function of the work at hand see above ; religious and philosophical convictions; sociopolitical and economic structures; and even climate and geography, where relevant, research paper mla works cited page s9.
This varies from instructor to instructor, so they will prepare you for it orally in class and on your initial course outlines. Most instructors will want to develop your ability to handle all three of the general categories, but they will probably put different levels of emphasis on them. Being a good student means being able to ask yourself why they would do this and what it means in terms research paper mla works cited page s9 the intellectual talents you are supposed to be developing.
In this regard, it might be useful to familiarize yourself with the basic goals of any education. Comprehension: Digesting and understanding information, as in paraphrasing or simple explaining. Application: Using information, as in extrapolating a principle from a number of observed, known instances so that preliminary conclusions can be made about an unknown instance. Evaluation: Appraising or critiquing something to ascertain its relevance, sufficiency, and validity see Three Important Acronyms.
You might care to consider what your tests are asking you to do in the abstract, so to speak, research paper mla works cited page s9. For example, a slide test that only asks for artist, title, and date is clearly testing only your knowledge. A test which asks you to speculate about a work you have never seen before is clearly about application.
The same principles can be usefully applied when taking lecture notes. Ask yourself, why is the instructor telling us this? There are two basic types of assignment in the art history courses offered by the Department of Fine Arts. One places more emphasis on basic research skills and broader themes. The other places more emphasis on criticism and direct engagement with a work.
The former is intended to show your ability to find, to compile and to evaluate information. The latter requires you to describe the appearance of a work and to formulate a conclusion about its meaning, sometimes in the absence of supporting material. This does not mean simply stating an opinion or a preference. See Some Particular Pitfalls to Avoid. Some assignments ask you to do both of these things.
Whatever the type of assignment, the cover page should bear the title of the essay, the student name and number, the professor and the course, and the due date. Incidentally, many instructors find plastic folders and binders more of an irritation than anything. Check with your instructor. Papers should be neatly typed or word-processed. Handwriting or printing, no matter how neat, sends a subliminal message of unprofessionalism or indifference, research paper mla works cited page s9.
Double-spacing permits a marker to make a running commentary. See the grades section below for reasons why this is desirable. Everything is single-spaced here to save paper.
A research assignment is substantially a commentary on the published discussions of a single artist, theme, issue or work. It is usually intended to give evidence of three academic skills or the lack thereof :.
This means finding monographs, catalogues and periodical literature. Monographs and catalogues are fairly easy to find, provided we have them in our library. More focused information is usually treated in periodical literature. In our library, the standard index is The Art Index, but you will find numerous others at larger universities.
If you need general background information, consult the titles listed in the section below on basic research materials. Finally, if you need things through interlibrary loan, order them as soon as possible. There are all sorts of reasons not to procrastinate.
This means that you have made a conscientious effort to come to terms with art history as active, ongoing research. For example, a historian named Bogomila Welsh-Ovcharov maintains that Van Gogh was more responsible for the development of the style known as cloisonism than has hitherto been recognized, disagreeing fundamentally with Charles Chasse, who insists that Emile Bernard was the prime mover.
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