Thursday, October 7, 2021

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What does it say? Instead, you need to come with a humble childlike attitude cp Jesus' words Mt 3 4 Jasand a desire for energetic engagement and true transformation. To help facilitate this goal of knowing God better John and growing more like his Son 2Peter notebe alert for the "periodic pit stops" which we call Practice it!

As you become more comfortable with these techniques, you will increasingly experience the joy of self discovery of precious nuggets of Truth, 2co cheap assignment. Remember, that each time before you take a pause to Practice it!

You will also be pleasantly surprised to discover that observation in many of these practice exercises flows smoothly into interpretation and application, as the Spirit pricks 2co cheap assignment heart to believe and obey the truth He has just illuminated. Observation describes the act of taking notice, fixing the mind upon, beholding with attention and as used in science includes the idea of making and recording one's findings, a skill certainly applicable to fruitful inductive study of the Scriptures, 2co cheap assignment.

Observation is not just seeing but perceiving what one sees, so that one becomes mentally aware of what one observes. We live in a fast paced society and honing the vital skill of observation is not 2co cheap assignment natural inclination for most of us, 2co cheap assignment. We want answers fast How many times have you heard someone say "Just Google it"?

and are loathe to linger too long observing a section of Scripture. But frankly, what better object to linger upon lovingly and long, than the eternal Word of Truth, the very revelation from the Creator to His creatures! We dare not let His precious Word "bore" us! And so we need to learn and practice the art of observation for as Yogi Berra once said Dr H T Kuist would agree with Yogi for he defined observation as "the art of seeing things as 2co cheap assignment really are.

Kuist goes on to add that observation entails seeing "impartially, intensely and fearlessly. Robert Traina rightly concludes that the goal of observation "is to enable one to become saturated with Ed : filled completely with so that it permeates or pervades one's entire being 2co cheap assignment particulars of a passage so that one is thoroughly conscious of the object being observed.

Observation is the means by which the data Ed : Don't let that word " data " discourage you - observation should never become a mechanical, pedantic exercise, but should always be like a much anticipated journey which eventually leads to the matchless joy of discovering for yourself what God has said in a particular passage of the Bible of a passage becomes part of the mentality of the student.

It supplies the raw materials upon which the mind may operate in the interpretative process Ed : As led by the Holy Spirit - Jn1Jn Methodical Bible Study. You may be surprised and maybe even a bit insulted by the suggestion that most of us have never really been taught how to read a book, much less a divinely inspired book.

Mortimer Adler's How to Read a Book is a recommended secular work and makes for fascinating reading on this topic. Most of us really don't know what to look for in order to effectively and efficiently carry out the observation of a specific book of the Bible because we've never been instructed. To take an analogy from life, it's hard to go fishing unless 2co cheap assignment got the proper gear. The goal of this section is to present some general guidelines on "how to read the 'Best Book'" but you will find the principles applicable to anything you are reading.

The Bible is unlike any other book for it is essentially a "love letter" from God to mankind. Stop for a moment and ponder 2co cheap assignment awesome truth, 2co cheap assignment. You have probably received a letter from your sweetheart 2co cheap assignment you were dating or courting. Do you remember how you responded when you received 2co cheap assignment letter? First, you were eagerly anticipating 2co cheap assignment. You couldn't wait for it to arrive in the mail.

You kept checking the mailbox to see if the mail had arrived. And when it did come, you blocked out everything, opened the envelope and devoured every word, every nuance, every innuendo, as you read the letter from your beloved and you read it not just once but over and over and over. You permitted nothing to interfere with reading the letter from beginning to end.

The phone might have rung, 2co cheap assignment, but you paid little attention to the ringing. You were far more focused on observing and interpreting what the the love of your life had written. Is not this the approach we should take to "the letter" called the Bible written by the One Who "demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" Ro note?

Is this how you approach His word? Or have you "left your first love" Re note? Martin Luther whom God used to return His church to a Sola Scriptura approach only the Scriptures which birthed the Reformation, described what in essence is an inductive approach to Bible study when he said I study 2co cheap assignment Bible as I gather apples.

First, I shake the whole tree that the ripest might fall. Then I shake each limb, and when I have shaken each limb, I shake each branch and every twig, 2co cheap assignment. Then I look under every leaf. I shake the Bible as a 2co cheap assignmentlike shaking the whole tree ~ Context.

Then I shake every limb—study book after book ~ Overview of Book. Then I shake every branch, giving attention to the chapters when they do not break the sense ~ Observation of Chapters. A T Pierson a well known 19th century preacher once wrote this comment regarding a passage he was studying.

Regarding Context, Pierson said As in any organism, no member or part, however minute, can be fully understood aside from its relation to the whole; so, in Scripture, every paragraph and sentence is part of its totality, and must be studied in relation to all the rest. The text will be illumined by the context, or scripture immediately preceding and following. Every occurrence and utterance should be studied in its surroundings. How, why, when a word was spoken or an act done, 2co cheap assignment, 2co cheap assignment to explain it, is its local coloring.

Hidden relationships must be traced like underground roots and subterranean channels. So here we see this great seasoned student 2co cheap assignment the Scripture saying "I've got to read it repeatedly and the more I read it the more I observe. F B Meyer has an interesting suggestion if your "appetite" for the Word is at "low tide" Do not always read your Bible because you like to do so, or desire it, but because it is right to do it, and as a matter of simple duty to your own life, 2co cheap assignment.

Study the Word under the light of the Holy Spirit, as the ancient saint, 2co cheap assignment, when blindness was setting in, was wont to carry his Bible to the window, and place the open page in the full beams of the western sun.

And slowly the appetite will re-assert itself, and you will come to esteem the Word of God more than your necessary food Job note. Tried by Fire - Exposition of 1 Peter - Long for the Pure Milk. I like to put it on levels that I can understand. I said, "What do you mean? And the first thing a tournament bass fisherman does is observe the lake.

So he spends days finding this out. He gets the ph factor and the oxygen content and the thermo clime. He gets a topographical map and finds the places in the lake with that particular temperature. Then he begins to mark it. He marks the creek channels and the coves, etc. He puts out his boat marker. But he does a lot of observation. When tournament day comes immediately he begins to interpret what he has observed and how he is going to fish that lake.

The application is when he finally gets to that spot and he uses his equipment, 2co cheap assignment. BEGIN WITH PRAYER. Begin with and maintain an attitude of prayer. Go to the Author of the Book before you go to the Book. And think about this - How many books have you ever read where you had the benefit of the author's presence to help you discern his original intent?

The Bible is not men's truth but God's special revelation of Truth. We must always begin by conversing with the Author, beseeching Him to open the eyes of our heart to see, understand put together the pieces so to speak and illuminate His supernatural "love letter" to us see Col10, 11f- notesPs noteEp note ; Epnote. The psalmist recognized his dependence on the God of the Word for illumination of the Word of God and cried out Open my eyes, Remember to ask 5W's?

How important? that I may behold wonderful things from Thy law. Ps Spurgeon note. George Sweeting once said "Prayer is the "open sesame" to the Bible. Always begin your Bible reading with prayer for divine guidance. All of us in reading some current book have wished the author were present to answer and explain some things, but this is rarely possible, 2co cheap assignment.

Amazing as it seems, this is possible when reading the Bible. Spurgeon comments : Open thou mine eyes. This is a part of the bountiful dealing which he has asked for; no bounty is greater than that which benefits our person, our soul, our mind, and benefits it in so important an organ as the eye.

It is far 2co cheap assignment to have the eyes opened than to be placed in the midst of the noblest prospects and remain blind to their beauty.

That l may behold wondrous things out of thy law. Some men can perceive no wonders in the Gospel, but the psalmist felt sure that there were glorious things in the law: he had not half the Bible, but he prized it more than some men prize the whole. He felt that God had laid up great bounties in His word, and he begs for power to perceive, 2co cheap assignment, appreciate and enjoy the same. We need not so much that God should give us more benefits, 2co cheap assignment, as the ability to see what he has given.

The prayer implies a conscious darkness, a dimness of spiritual vision, a powerlessness to remove that defect, and a full assurance that God can remove it. It shows also that the writer knew that there were vast treasures in the Word which he had not yet fully seen, marvels which he had not yet beheld, 2co cheap assignment, mysteries which he had scarcely believed. The Scriptures teem with marvels; the Bible is a wonder land.

It 2co cheap assignment only relates miracles, but it is itself a world of wonders, 2co cheap assignment. Yet what are these to closed eyes?

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, time: 2:37

Inductive Bible Study: Observation | Precept Austin

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