Thursday, October 7, 2021

Cover letter sample hr consultancy proposal

Cover letter sample hr consultancy proposal

cover letter sample hr consultancy proposal

A human resources (HR) services proposal is a document that outlines the scope and terms of your work as a consultant tasked with improving human resources management for a client business. The form includes an introduction, requirements summary, proposed HR services solution, HR services pricing, agreement terms, and acceptance Apr 20,  · Here’s how to correctly format your HR cover letter: Include a header with your full name, email address, and phone number; Choose a conventional cover letter font and set your font size at –12 points; Set your cover letter margins to 1”–” Sign off with a professional cover letter closing, such as “Best Regards,” or “Sincerely,” Human Resources Cover Letter Sample: Introduction Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name]: When I came across the position for Human Resources Specialist with [target company name], I was ecstatic

HR Consultant Cover Letter Example & Writing Tips Free

Prepared for: [Client. FirstName] [Client. LastName] [Client. Human Resources is essential to corporate governance, cover letter sample hr consultancy proposal. Great HR teams multiply the effectiveness of your most valuable resources: people. So, too, should you invest in experience in the realm of HR. As a business leader, HR is your greatest ally in recruiting, training, and retaining the best team possible. The best companies cultivate talent from within. To do that, you need an HR team that knows how to identify potential in new employees and has experience in cultivating that potential cover letter sample hr consultancy proposal create future business leaders.

At [Sender. The regulations that affect how a company hires, communicates, and compensates employees change constantly, and to stay abreast of these regulations is a full-time job in and of itself. Heard of the Pareto Principle? And that's a real problem that thousands of company presidents and CEOs face each day.

To prevent such a dire situation, you need an HR team that is experienced in sourcing and recruiting qualified candidates who are a good fit for your enterprise. As you review the contents of this proposal, consider the points above, and how the peace of mind that comes with hiring an experienced firm to provide [Client. Company] with HR services will allow you to focus on your main task: growing [Client. Company] has expressed an immediate need for a partner experienced in HR principles.

This need is in response to several organizational challenges that plague your team today, including:. Based on previous conversations, we feel that [Sender. Company] is uniquely qualified to help you overcome these challenges.

Company] is prepared to offer the services detailed below at an affordable monthly cost. We propose that [Client. Company] and [Sender. Company] enter into an agreement for these services lasting for a period of [Contract. Months] months. Company] will provide full payroll support, including payroll management, direct deposit, and tax remitting and filing.

Our benefits specialists will handle all aspects of employee benefits for [Client. This includes choosing appropriate plans, completing necessary tasks and paperwork during new-hire onboarding, and managing benefit enrollment during the annual open enrollment period. We will support [Client. Company] will deploy a thorough performance management program designed to encourage talent and leadership development within [Client. We will perform regular evaluations and enact training programs that allow employees to become proficient in skills that are of value to [Client, cover letter sample hr consultancy proposal.

Once per year, [Sender. Company] will cover letter sample hr consultancy proposal a full audit of all [Client. Company] HR files and processes, including financial accounts. We will deliver a detailed report of our findings and work with you to correct any issues we discover.

We will also work with you to use feedback gathered during the previous year to inform strategic decisions for the coming year, cover letter sample hr consultancy proposal.

Company] offers our services based on hourly rates, with a not-to-exceed NTE amount agreed to for each month by both parties. This allows us to provide a flexible HR solution that constantly evolves to meet your needs. The table below details our rates for the services that we provide.

For on-site support, [Sender. Company] will invoice [Client. Company] for related pre approved travel and expenses at cost, with no markup. Company]a company organized and existing in [Client. City]with offices located at [Client, cover letter sample hr consultancy proposal. Company]a company organized and existing in [Sender. City]with offices located at [Sender. WHEREAS, Company wishes to retain Consultant to provide HR services as more specifically set forth in the cover letter sample hr consultancy proposal pages; and.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals and the terms, conditions, and covenants contained herein, it is hereby agreed as follows:. Consultant shall provide the Services in a diligent and professional manner and in no event later than any scheduled completion dates set forth in the Statement of Work or the terms of any purchase order.

The term of this Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and continue until [Contract. EndDate]unless otherwise modified by mutual, written agreement of the cover letter sample hr consultancy proposal or terminated as set forth herein. As consideration for the Services, and upon the submission of monthly invoices, within the payment terms stipulated herein, the Company shall pay Consultant at the rates or in accordance with the milestone pricing table set forth on purchase order s issued by Company or in the Statement of Work, for such Services as are actually rendered by Consultant and accepted by the Company.

Amount] which is the total ceiling value or not-to-exceed NTE value for this Agreement. If expressly provided for in the Statement of Work and expressly not included in the firm-fixed-price FFP that may be established in the Statement of Work, Company shall reimburse Consultant for reasonable and necessary out-of-pocket travel and other miscellaneous expenses relating to this Agreement, which are incurred at the direction of, and upon the prior written approval of, the Company.

Travel must be authorized by the Company prior to any anticipated reimbursable travel. Reimbursement for reasonable and actual expenses shall be made in accordance with the following rates:. Company shall make payment within forty-five 45 days after receipt of a proper invoice that complies with the requirements of this Agreement. Companies may withhold any amounts in an invoice that are in dispute, are contrary to the requirements of this Section 3, or are not substantiated by proper receipts.

Payments made to Consultant shall not constitute or be construed as acceptance of any of the Services performed by Consultant under this Agreement. Consultant and Company shall at all times be deemed to be independent contractors, and nothing herein shall be construed to create or imply that there exists between the parties a partnership, joint venture, or other combined business organization.

Consultant shall hold no authority, express or implied, to commit, cover letter sample hr consultancy proposal, obligate, or make representations on cover letter sample hr consultancy proposal of Company and shall make no representation to others to the contrary. Nothing herein is intended nor shall be construed for any purpose as creating the relation of employer and employee or agent and principal between the parties.

Except as otherwise specified herein, Consultant retains the right to direct, control, or supervise the details and means by which the consulting Services are provided. The Records shall be subject to inspection and audit by Company and the Government if necessary at all reasonable times and upon reasonable notice for a period of three 3 years after final payment under this Agreement.

Information that is disclosed orally or visually to a receiving party shall also be deemed Proprietary Information if the disclosing party identifies such information as proprietary at the time of disclosure and, within thirty 30 days after such disclosure reduces the subject matter of the disclosure to writing and submits it to the receiving party. A receiving party shall hold Proprietary Information received from the disclosing party in confidence, shall use such information only for the purpose of and in accordance with this Agreement, and shall not further disclose such information to any third party without the prior written approval of the original disclosing party.

The restrictions of this Section shall not apply to any information i lawfully received from another source free of restriction and without breach of this Agreement, ii that is published or becomes generally available to the public without breach of this Agreement, iii known by the receiving party prior to the time of disclosure, iv independently developed by the receiving party without resort or access to the Proprietary Information; or v that the disclosing party has approved for further release by the receiving party.

Proprietary Information shall remain the property of the disclosing party and shall be returned or destroyed upon written request or upon termination or expiration of this Agreement. Receiving party may retain in the files of its legal counsel for archival purposes only, one copy of all written materials returned.

Consultant agrees to provide appropriate certificates or other evidence of such insurance coverage as may be requested by the Company. Consultant agrees that the procurement and maintenance of the above insurance coverage shall not limit or affect any liability that Consultant may incur under this Agreement or otherwise. Consultant is responsible for maintaining a safe workplace by following commercially accepted safety and health rules and practices.

Company is committed to keeping its workplaces free from hazards. Consultant authorizes Company to provide minor first aid to those individuals performing Services on behalf of Consultant hereunder, with the consent of the injured person, for injuries sustained on Company property.

Consultant shall defend, indemnify, and hold Company and its officers, directors, and employees harmless from and against all expenses, costs, damages, liabilities, and losses incurred by Company in connection with any claim, investigation, demand, action, suit, or proceeding arising out of or resulting from the provision of any medical care or treatment to those individuals performing Services on behalf of Consultant hereunder or the calling of ambulance services for such employees by Company.

Except as required by law, Consultant shall not issue any press release or make any other public statement relating to this Agreement, any Services performed under this Agreement, or any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, cover letter sample hr consultancy proposal, without obtaining the prior written approval of Company as to the contents and the manner of presentation and publication of such press release or public statement.

If the Company is not reasonably satisfied with any Service, it will notify the Consultant with an explanation of the deficiency. The foregoing procedure will be repeated until the Company accepts or finally rejects the Service in its reasonable discretion.

This Agreement may be terminated by either party in the event the other party fails to perform its obligations hereunder on time, fails to assure timely performance, cover letter sample hr consultancy proposal, or otherwise fails to perform its material obligations; provided, however, that prior to such termination the terminating party notifies the defaulting party in writing at least ten 10 days in advance, states the reasons why the Agreement should be terminated and affords the defaulting party an opportunity to cure any alleged default during such ten 10 day notice period.

Either party may terminate this Agreement, upon notice and without liability, in the event the other party: a files a petition in bankruptcy; b has filed against it an involuntary petition in bankruptcy not dismissed within sixty 60 days; c consents to the appointment of a receiver, custodian, trustee or liquidator; or d dissolves, liquidates or makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors.

Company may terminate this Agreement, or any Services to be performed hereunder, in whole or in part, without cause and for its own convenience, by providing Consultant written notice of termination at least seven 7 days in advance, specifying the extent to which the Agreement is so terminated and the date upon which such termination becomes effective. Company shall have no liability for such termination except for liability for Services rendered or expenses incurred by Consultant in accordance with this Agreement prior to the effective date of such termination and for which payment has not been made.

Upon termination of this Agreement, Consultant shall return to Company all copies of any Company data, records, or materials, of whatever nature and regardless of media.

Consultant shall also furnish Company with all work in progress or portions thereof. Within thirty 30 days following termination or expiration of this Agreement, Consultant shall submit to Company a termination proposal detailing the work completed and accepted by Company and the proposed value of such completed and accepted work.

The amount due Consultant as a result of any termination cover letter sample hr consultancy proposal will be as follows:. Upon payment of the agreed-to termination settlement amount, Company shall thereafter have no liability or obligation to Consultant for any further compensation, fees, expenses, or other payments related to this Agreement. Neither Company, nor its officers, directors, employees, affiliates, or parent companies shall be liable for any injury to the person or property of Consultant or its employees or contractors, except to the extent that such injury was directly caused by the fault or negligence of Company or its employees acting within the scope of their employment.

This Agreement is duly executed by the duly authorized representatives of the parties as set forth below:. Content PandaDoc HR Services Proposal, cover letter sample hr consultancy proposal.

A Human Resources Services Proposal For [Client. Introduction Dear [Client. FirstName]Human Resources is essential to corporate governance. Requirements Summary [Client. This need is in response to several organizational challenges that plague your team today, including: [Problem1. Summary] [Problem2. Summary] [Problem3. Summary] Based on previous conversations, we feel that [Sender. Proposed HR Services Solution [Sender.

Write an Amazing Cover Letter: 3 Golden Rules (Template included)

, time: 7:26

Consulting Cover Letter Samples and Writing Tips

cover letter sample hr consultancy proposal

Sep 15,  · Check out this cover letter for consulting positions example: When XYZ Partnership received the Baldrige Award in , I knew I wanted to work for you. The award shows your vision for leadership and your commitment to employee development. The growth I would experience as a consultant in your firm would Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins A human resources (HR) services proposal is a document that outlines the scope and terms of your work as a consultant tasked with improving human resources management for a client business. The form includes an introduction, requirements summary, proposed HR services solution, HR services pricing, agreement terms, and acceptance Human Resources Cover Letter Sample: Introduction Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name]: When I came across the position for Human Resources Specialist with [target company name], I was ecstatic

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