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Diversity and discrimination essay

Diversity and discrimination essay

diversity and discrimination essay

Oct 01,  · Diversity issues in the workplace often include common problems such as discrimination and sexism. Learn about global issues and how to deal with the diversity issue components of discrimination Racial And Racial Discrimination Words | 7 Pages. campus party. The United States government describes racial/color discrimination as, “Treating someone unfavorable because he/she is of a certain race or because of personal characteristics associated with race such as hair texture, skin color, or certain facial features” (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Jun 30,  · A diversity essay is an essay that encourages applicants with minority backgrounds, unusual education, distinctive experience, You suffered from discrimination and succeeded in spite of the discrimination, because of your grit, values and character

Discrimination Topic Ideas to Write about & Essay Samples | IvyPanda®

Understand Diversity, Equality and Inclusions in own area of Responsibility. Person centred — views the person as individual and unique and places the person at the centre of there care whether this be physical, diversity and discrimination essay, psychological, social, diversity and discrimination essay, spiritual. Qualities, abilities, interests, preferences and needs. Offering the personal whole involvement in there care and input to completing there support plan and how they like to receive this, where they want to live and who with.

He completed it prior to its deadline and was thorough and informative. As a manager I am responsible for ensuring that the ethos within the home promotes equality and diversity through training, policy and procedures, support plans and health files. In line with the Care Act, Mental Capacity Act Equality ActHuman Rights Act And enable staff to have the confidence to challenge discrimination.

Ensure that all care and support is personalised — individual having control of own diversity and discrimination essay budgets. There is partnership. Support is delivered in partnership with individuals from communities. Voluntary and private sectors the NHS and housing. BARRIERS Social Myths Offensive Images of Disabled People.

PCP- Support plans- This is to ensure all care is given as the service user would like to be supported and how they would like to be supported, when they would like to be supported, where they would like to receive support, by whom they would like to support them and there chosen way of support Regular Supervisions every weeks- this is to monitor each staff member individually and monitor there practises and ensure that policy and procedures are being followed at all times and challenge this when staff are not following job description and guidelines and policies.

Yearly Appraisals- This is to monitor yearly progress of each support worker and offer a planned goal set for the following year to promote a persons abilities and training needs also to support progression in there role. Staff Training and yearly updates- Staff training is very important in providing staff with the tools to complete there roles in line with the care standards and the safety of all staff and service users.

And ensure that the staff demonstrate this in there role and performance which is monitored through supervision and appraisals Regular updating of policy and procedures- it is important that all policies are monitored and regularly review of the contents to reflect the care standards, Health and safety, the Law and updates are made to reflect any changes in the standards and Law All staff to read and sign all policy and procedures yearly — Its important that staff read and sign the policy and procedures as this outlines there responsibility in health and social care to follow the standards set out and that there actions are lawful and in line with the health and social care act.

They must be made aware of any changes and updates and they must demonstrate that they can follow the policies in there role they must read and sign every year to keep updated Weekly service users meetings- staff are encouraged to support all service users to plan and be involved in weekly service users meeting the meeting must be set out with clear goals all service uses must be given the opt unity to have input in the meeting and express themselves in a form of communication that they are familiar with and all meetings must be documented and must reflect on any completed actions from the last meeting, diversity and discrimination essay.

the meeting must contain sections on organisational changes, diversity and discrimination essay, Home changes, changes to the staff team, health and safety, menu planningactivities planning, Personal section for service users to raise anything they would like to raise that is specific to them, any other business, and a good news section, service users forum Quarterly staff meetings —staff are informed of any organisational information, Health and safety, changes to policy and procedures or cqc information, service users information, staff forum feedback, any other business.

Good news section Regular managers meetings-to keep the manager updated on organisational information,CQC information, look at paper work or new paper work to be implementedstaffing, HR, Training, Finance, diversity and discrimination essay, Purchasing and supplying each meeting will include all manger from each home and area managers, operations manager, managing director, maintenance manager, finance manager, training manager, and HR manager, diversity and discrimination essay, Regular senior meetings — this is to maintain consistency between each shift and ensure information is being passed between shifts and that both shifts are receiving the same information this can be organisational, changes to care, input or changes from professionals changes in support plans.

Structures changes ensuring that all QA is being maintained ensuring that the cleanliness of the home is maintained and is kept safe. Support plans- ensuring that all support pan reflect a person desires and wishes and are regularly monitored and challenge staff when record are not kept appropriately or followed correctly in line with the service users wishes and that there are no bad practises reflected in the care being given ensure diversity and discrimination essay all support plan are written to reflect the persons dignity and that there wishes are respected at all times.

Training- All staff complete training around discrimination and the effect this has on them as a staff member and how this is to be reflected in the care they will be providing to service users and give them the information to be able to challenge when practises are not followed or they suspect discrimination or abuse may be taking place.

Staff must then demonstrate there knowledge in there working practise which is monitored in the home and the training is updated yearly and this will also work alongside our organisational policy and procedures. Supervisions-all staff receives supervisions every weeks or weekly and monthly if the need arises diversity and discrimination essay is to monitor performance and challenge any bad practise and helping to work on resolving any concerns in performance this allows the manager to support the staff to set up a training programme and look at expanding on there knowledge also look at working towards progression in there role.

Concerns and complaints policy- all staff are trained on concerns and complaints and will read and sign the complaints policy we also follow our policy by providing a complaints and concerns file and guidelines to follow when diversity and discrimination essay a complaint or raising a concern or supporting some with a compliment or a complaint if they so wish to make one this is without prejudice and is maintained with full co-operation and will be fully investigated and the person will be fully notified of any outcomes.

Team meetings-reminding staff in staff meetings about policy and practises and informing the team of any changes diversity and discrimination essay practises reminding staff about the complements and complaints file reinforcing the importance of the diversity and discrimination essay and the whistle blowing policy and what as a manager I espect from each team member in there role to providing support from discrimination or conflict.

Reminding the team about our no tolerance to discrimination and that all service users, staff, visitor must be supported in a professional manner in line with the policy and procedure and that this is monitored by managers and shift leaders and any concerns or complaint in this area will be taken very seriously and will be dealt with following the policy which could lead to disciplinary action being taken against staff member if it is found that they are found to be involved.

Appraisals- This is to monitor yearly progress of each support worker and offer a planned goal set for the following year to promote a persons abilities and training needs also to support progression in there role. the appraisal looks at the progression over the year looking at training and performance and encourage support on areas of weakness.

Staff meetings Valuing People white paper Department of health Shift meetingsCare standards frame work Human rights act Job DescriptionEquality Act Policy and procedures Service users weekly house meetings CQCstaff forum Meetings Internet Managers meetings GSCCservice users forum Training local authority. Ensuring good levels of abilities and strengths and dynamiques in staff teams while Promoting diversity amongst the team. Good clear staff job descriptions and working guidelines Regular staff meeting and senior meeting to challenge areas of concerns and offer support and encouragement to other senior staff.

Quality assurance. The impact and ongoing reviews of all policy and procedure are monitored on a regular basis by diversity and discrimination essay quality assurance manager who completes 6 monthly audits on all the homes with in the organisation to ensure that all areas of the standards are being met and are regularly reviewed and clear evidence and record are shown. as a quality assurance manager they are responsible to ensure that the company is regularly updating on the latest information from the government and local authorities etc as a manager it is my responsibility to ensure they are implemented in to the home to maintain high levels of health and safety and good practises and high levels of care are received in line with the care standards.

Understand how to develop systems and processes that promote diversity, diversity and discrimination essay, equality and inclusion 3. and this is monitored regularly by revaluating policy and procedure updating information in line with care standards 6 monthly visits from quality assurance manager who will look through everything and evaluate against cqc requirements to ensure we are covering all areas.

If we comply then we are given a percentage if we are not fully compliant we are given dates to ensure that this is completed then revisited by QA manager. service users also are supported to complete this questionnaire also a questionnaire about the menu and choices available ect once the questionnaires are gather as the manager I will look at any areas that require actions or areas that may be of concerns and look at rectifying this staff are also given a questionnaire to look at what support is provided and how we can make changes to provide better support to staff.

proving support to outside agencies providing information working tom consistent plans when supporting service users diversity and discrimination essay can be done during managers meeting, diversity and discrimination essay, QA visits etc professional meetings friends an family visits.

care plan reviewing. Supervision, appraisals questionnairessickness levels and staff moral. Be able to manage the risks presented when balancing individuals rights and professional duty of care.

As the manager I have the responsibility and duty of care to ensure the service users are receiving good quality care in line with the care standards while promoting independence and PCP, I am also responsible for positively representing Dolphin homes and I do this by ensuring that all staffvisitors and service users are fully supported in a positive manner in line with care standards and staff are provided with guidelines and policy and procedures that maintains there safety and the safety of the service users and home while promoting individuality, friendly supportive environment and offer guidance freedom of speech and offer support to staff to grow in there role and promote progression.

Providing and supporting staff with training ensure all staff receive weekly supervisions and yearly appraisals often there are areas of conflict but as a manager I have to manage this in a professional manner that is non detrimental to the service users and staff where possible.

Below are areas where this can happen and the impotence of following policy and procedure available and regular monitoring? Is diversity and discrimination essay everyone has the opportunity to make choices that will effect them as a manager it is very important that all service users are given this opportunity to do this in a form of communication that they understand.

And judgment should not be considered informed choices must be proven to be provided where possible and be non conflicting from other individual unless proven to be in the best interest of the service users however evidence should support this.

Below is a list of people who may be involved in making choices and what is considered when making choices and how the choices will be implemented. Below is a list of concerns that may contribute to the capacity of an individual around making informed choices and how this would be considered. This is done in the best interest of the person and is without prejudice.

Nvq 5 Equality and Diversity. Accessed October 7, Nvq 5 Equality and Diversity Categories: Diversity Equality Health.

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Ex-Stanford Admissions: The Diversity Essay

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Definition for Diversity

diversity and discrimination essay

Racial And Racial Discrimination Words | 7 Pages. campus party. The United States government describes racial/color discrimination as, “Treating someone unfavorable because he/she is of a certain race or because of personal characteristics associated with race such as hair texture, skin color, or certain facial features” (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Diversity Policy Workforce Diversity Policy is a commitment by the organisation to create a workplace that is fair and inclusive, and builds a workforce which better reflects the diversity of the work place. It acts as a deterrent to discrimination against individuals based on their Diversity - All of our human differences. Diversity Training - Understanding how our differences may effect or influence our relationships at work (peers, subordinate, boss, and customers - intentionally or unintentionally). Relationship Between Diversity and an Inclusive Work Place - The intent of looking at the diversity in your workplace and customer ranks is to create

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